A Dreamy Forest Walk in Our Home Town

Forest are mystic and beautiful and I think they are also super exciting to visit in winter. Especially the changing seasons are fascinating to watch. I included this video from Vimeo showing a beautiful forest clip.

I included the video wrapping it inside an extra div container with the CSS class of „wide-content“. This way the video can be seen even wider with a maximum with of 1115px on bigger screens. To show the little video tag on the front page, just mark your video posts as „Video“ in the Format box of your post admin area.

Atqui reperies, inquit, in hoc quidem pertinacem; Nec vero audiendus Hieronymus, cui summum bonum est idem, quod vos interdum vel potius nimium saepe dicitis, nihil dolere. Immo sit sane nihil melius, inquam-nondum enim id quaero-, num propterea idem voluptas est, quod, ut ita dicam, indolentia? Sin ea non neglegemus neque tamen ad finem summi boni referemus, non multum ab Erilli levitate aberrabimus. Sed tamen intellego quid velit. Nunc ita separantur, ut disiuncta sint, quo nihil potest esse perversius. Serpere anguiculos, nare anaticulas, evolare merulas, cornibus uti videmus boves, nepas aculeis. Quae contraria sunt his, malane?

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