Architectual Highlights: Explore modern houses in your city
It’s amazing how you can overlook buildings in your own neighborhood, just because you walk there everyday and sometimes miss to look around…
Weekend Eateries: June 2016 Edition
Food is so important and it is good if we eat clean, delicious and healthy food but also treat ourself to a little…
Our Favorite Auckland Cafés
Sed existimo te, sicut nostrum Triarium, minus ab eo delectari, quod ista Platonis, Aristoteli, Theophrasti orationis ornamenta neglexerit. Utrum igitur tibi litteram videor…
Visit to the Auckland Domain with its Beautiful Winter Gardens
Sin laboramus, quis est, qui alienae modum statuat industriae? Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt. Nam his libris…
Adventures in Fukuoka, Japan
Another little video post, this time a Vimeo video introducing the city of Fukuoka in Japan. We were lucky to visit Fukuoka on…